Why solar for businesses?

Harnessing the Sun's Energy:

Solar power is a clean and renewable energy source that allows businesses to tap into the abundant energy provided by the sun. By capturing sunlight and converting it into electricity.

Cost Savings:

Investing in solar energy can significantly reduce your business's electricity bills. With solar panels in place, you can generate your own electricity, reducing or even eliminating your dependency on the grid. Over time, this translates into substantial cost savings and increased profitability.

Environmental Responsibility:

As sustainability becomes a core value for businesses, adopting solar power showcases your commitment to environmental responsibility. By using solar energy, you contribute to reducing greenhouse gas emissions, helping combat climate change and positioning your business as a socially responsible leader.

Get started

In four simple steps:

Talk to us

Site visit

Solar Installation

Energy Estimation

Solar solutions tailored
for businesses

At Green Live, we recognize that every business is unique, with its own energy requirements and budget constraints. That's why we offer tailored solar solutions designed to meet your specific needs:

Eco-Friendly Living:

Our commercial-grade solar panels are engineered for performance and durability, ensuring long-term energy savings for your business. Whether you have a small retail shop or a large industrial facility, we have the right solar panel solution for you.

Energy Storage systems

Maximize your solar investment with energy storage solutions that allow you to store excess energy for use during peak demand periods or at night. Our energy storage systems provide resilience and further reduce your reliance on the grid.

Solar financing options

We offer flexible financing options that make it easy for businesses to adopt solar energy. From Power Purchase Agreements (PPAs) to solar leases, we'll help you find the financing solution that aligns with your financial goals.

maintenance & support

Our commitment to your solar success doesn't end with installation. We provide ongoing maintenance and support to ensure your solar system continues to perform at its best, year after year.